SASFL-ILN Webinar on Islam and Liberty: Political, Social and Economic Manifestations [Sep 22]: Registrations Open

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SASFL-ILN Webinar on Islam and Liberty

: Political, Social and Economic Manifestations [Sep 22]: Registrations Open

About the Organizers

Students for Liberty is the largest pro-liberty movement of students in the world with a presence in more than 100 countries and every inhabited continent.

Islam and Liberty Network Foundation is legally organised as a non-profit Labuan foundation registered in Malaysia and is governed by an international board of directors, all of whom except for the part-time CEO give their time freely.

About the Webinar

Students for Liberty and Islam and Liberty Network Foundation is organising a Webinar on ‘Islam and Liberty: Political, Social and Economic Manifestations’.

Islam is both a religion and a comprehensive code of conduct. Its interpretation has significant implications for the attitudes of Muslims and for the policies of the governments which rule them. In Muslim majority countries, societies which endorse, and practice religious, economic, and political freedom are far and few between.

The Webinar on ‘Islam and Liberty : Political, Economic and Social Manifestations’ will be facilitated by SFL South Asia in collaboration with Islam and Liberty Network.

The speakers Ali Salman (CEO, Islam and Liberty Network) and Tasnim Idriss (Editorial Associate, Islam and Liberty Network) will talk about the basis of liberty within Islamic traditions covering the market economy, liberal Islamic values as well as the political narrative of Islam and State vis-a-vis democracy, rule of law etc. It will be followed by a Q&A session with the speakers and the Webinar will conclude in 90 minutes.

The Webinar is intended to dispel popular misconceptions about Islam both within and outside Muslim communities and to create a Muslim case for Liberty.

Webinar Date

22nd September 2019 , 5:00 pm Indian Standard Time

Registration  Details

To Register: CLICK HERE

Contact Details

Mohammad Anas Khan


The website link is here.

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