Conference on Forensic Sc. in Crime Investigation and Admin. of Justice @ Parul University, Vadodara [July 27]: Submission Deadline- June 30

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Conference on Forensic Sc. in Crime Investigation and Admin. of Justice @ Parul University, Vadodara [July 27]:

Submission Deadline- June 30

About the University

Parul University is a private university in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. It was established in 2009 as the Parul Group of Institutes and was given university status in 2015.

About the conference

Parul University is organising a conference on Forensic Science in Crime Investigation and Administration of Justice on 27th July 2019.

Based on the changing social interests, understanding of crime changes with time. This change results in the need for new laws that protect the interests of the individuals.

An important link for justice delivery is effective investigation thereby resulting in effective disposal of cases. This has resulted in the greater need for better investigation techniques and the growth in an interdisciplinary subject of forensic science.

The Conference aims to serve as a platform for academicians, professionals, researchers and students at a common platform to discuss and critically assess the existing policies, look at the innovations and development in forensic sciences, and come with sustainable solutions in addressing the issues in the modern justice system.


Any student, research scholar, academician or professional.


Papers are invited under the following themes:

  • Innovation of Investigation techniques
  • Recent development in forensic science
  • Forensic Science and Judicial system
  • Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

The above-mentioned themes are only indicative and any paper relevant to the main theme of the conference may be submitted.


Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Registration Procedure

Registration for the conference can be done  through clicking this link and by making the required payment. The details of payment must be mailed to

Fee Details

  • Academicians/Professionals: Rs. 1000/-
  • Students/Research Scholars: Rs. 500/-


  • 30th June 2019: Submission of abstracts
  • 10th July 2019: Last date for registration
  • 15th July 2019: Full paper submission


Email Id:

Dr. Tanveer A. Hashmi: +91 9974143580

Mr. Jimmy Jose: +91 7802914805 / +91 8447104525

For website click here

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