National Workshop on “Access and Benefit Sharing” on 19th January, 2019 @ Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow.

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National Workshop on “Access and Benefit Sharing” on 19th January, 2019 @ Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow.


  1. Filled Registration Form may kindly be forwarded to:
  2. Last date for Registration is 1stJanuary, 2019.
  3. There are only 50 seats.
  4. The forms will go through a screening process and seats shall be allotted on first come first serve basis.
  5. Eligible participants will get a revert email intimating the account number and other details related to submission of fees and completion of registration.
  6. Only after submission of fees the registration will complete.


  1. Only the registered and selected participants shall be allowed to participate in the Workshop.
  2. On spot registration shall be done on the day of workshop for farmers and industry people.


The Registration Fee for the Workshop is Rs. 200 for students, Rs. 300 for Research scholars and Rs. 400 for Academicians and others. There shall be no registration fee for Farmers.

***Kindly bring record of submission of fees at the time of registration.


The venue of the seminar shall be New Campus, Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow which is easily accessi-ble from Airport and Charbagh Railway Station Luck-now.


There are fifty Seats only. Cap shall not apply for farmers and industry people. The registration forms will go through screening process and seats shall be allotted on First Come First Serve basis.


Dr. Ashish Kr. Srivastava
Mob 8960675643, 8004831739

For Brochure, CLICK HERE

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