XIX T S Venkateswara Iyer Memorial Ever Rolling Trophy Moot Court 2k19 @ GLC, Ernakulam [Jan 25-27]: Provisional Registration Open

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XIX T S Venkateswara Iyer Memorial Ever Rolling Trophy Moot Court 2k19 @ GLC, Ernakulam

[Jan 25-27]: Provisional Registration Open

The His Highness Maharajas Government Law College, Ernakulam which is the oldest and one of the most prestigious institutions of legal learning in the state of Kerala proudly announces the conduct of XIX All India Moot Court Competition for Adv. T. S. Venkateswara Iyer Memorial Ever Rolling Trophy (Constitutional Law) from 25th to 27th January 2019 under the auspices of the MOOT CLUB at the college premises. This competition had a glorious past as we were privileged to have the finest talents from law schools across the country vying for honours.

It is our pleasure and privilege to invite you to participate in this event. In this edition, we are proud to bring certain changes in the overall conduct of the competition. 


Last Date for Provisional Registration                           : 2nd November 2018.

Opening of Proforma Registration                                : 3rd November 2018.

Closing of Registration for XIX TSV Moot 2k19              : 16th November 2018.

Submission of Memorials (SOFT COPY)                         : 16th December 2018.

Submission of Memorials (HARD COPY)                        : 19th December 2018.

Declaration of Results of Memorials                              : 1st January 2019.

The problem will be released on 26th October 2018 at 5:00PM.


The provisional Registration shall be available from 10:00AM on 25th October 2018.

The Provisional Registration can be done here

Provisional Registration shall be available till 11:59PM on 2nd November 2018.


The teams should complete the registration by uploading the scanned copy of the duly filled Registration form (along with Photo of the participant and the Round seal of the institution) before 16th November 2018. There is no need of taking Demand Draft/ Cheque for Registering for the Competition.

On successful completion of Registration, each team would be allotted a Unique Registration Code [URC] which would be sent to the e-mail address provided at the time of Final Registration for the Competition.

The link for Completing the Final Registration process is here. The link would be active from 12:01AM on 3rd November 2018 to 11:59PM on 16th November 2018.


This year, the total number of teams is limited to 24. The top 23 teams with the highest memorial scores will be entitled to participate in the Oral Rounds. One slot would be reserved for Home Team who shall participate only in the Preliminary Rounds of the Competition.

Each side of the Written submission would be evaluated out of 20 marks and the average of scores of both sides would be considered as the Memorial Score for the Team.

The Memorial scores would only be considered for Preliminary Rounds of the Competition.


Once the teams are selected, they have to take a Demand Draft or Cheque of Rs. 3500/- (Three Thousand Five Hundred Only) drawn in favour of TREASURER, Moot Club, Government Law College, Ernakulam and send the scanned copy of the same via email to mootclubglc.ekm@gmail.com


Every participant and researcher will be awarded certificate of participation.

Honours in this competition include:

  • Best Team
  • Second Best Team
  • Best Student Advocate
  • Best Female Student Advocate
  • Second Best Female Student Advocate
  • Best Male Student Advocate
  • Second Best Male Student Advocate
  • Best Memorial
  • Second Best Memorial
  • Best Researcher
  • Second Best Researcher
  • About 27+ trophies and cash prizes are slated to be awarded in the competition.

For details, click here

For enquiry, please reach us at mootclubglc.ekm@gmail.com.

We take this opportunity to Congratulate the Winners of XVIII_TSV_Moot_2k18.

WINNERS 18TH TSV Moot 2k18.

Happy Mooting..!!

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