1st NLUJAA National Legal Essay Competition 2018, Submit by Nov 15

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1st NLUJAA National Legal Essay Competition 2018

Organized by
In collaboration with

About National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam

National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (NLUJAA) was established by the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 (Act No. XXV of 2009) as the fourteenth National Law University of the Country and is located in Guwahati, the capital city of Assam. The Hon’ble Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court is the Chancellor of the University. NLUJAA promotes and makes available modern legal education and research facilities to its students, scholars and faculty drawn from across the country, including the North-East, hailing from different socio-economic, ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. The objectives of NLUJAA as mentioned in the Act are to impart comprehensive legal education and training at all levels to achieve excellence in legal education; to promote research in all branches of law; to disseminate legal knowledge by organizing lectures, seminars, symposia, workshops and conferences on contemporary issues of law to promote legal awareness in the communities to achieve social and economic justice and to promote cultural, legal and ethical values with a view to promote and foster the rule of law and the objectives enshrined in the Constitution of India.

About Centre for Clinical Legal Education and Legal Aid Cell

As a part of University Social Responsibility Scheme and to fulfil the Bar Council of India mandate of having a legal aid cell, the Centre for Clinical Legal Education and Legal Aid Cell (CCLELAC) of the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam was established in September, 2013 with an objective to promote legal awareness in the society and to help people of this region in achieving social, economic and political justice. Since then the Centre has been organizing various activities to create legal awareness and to help needy and indigent people in getting access to justice. The Centre, in furtherance of its objective, has organized several legal awareness camps at different places in the State including the Guwahati Central Jail located at Lokhora in the year 2016.

About Centre for Child Rights

In furtherance of the research objectives of National Law University and Judicial Academy,
Assam and its commitment towards children, a dedicated Centre was established as ‘Centre for Child Rights (CCR)’ in the University. The CCR started from March, 2015 and ever since it has engaged itself in various activities ranging from training, workshop, conferences, development of IEC material, technical support to various allied departments of the government dealing with children, inter alia. In May, 2015 the University and UNICEF, through a Memorandum of Understanding joined hands and partnered with CCR and ever since the Centre and UNICEF are trying together to bring about some change in the lives of the children, particularly in the north- eastern part of the country through research, training and advocacy.

About the Essay Competition

As a part of its research and awareness activities, the Centre for Clinical Legal Education and
Legal Aid Cell (CCLELAC), in collaboration with the Centre for Child Rights (CCR) is organizing its 1 st NLUJAA National Legal Essay Competition, 2018. The essay writing competition is intended to provide young students with an opportunity to study, analyze and understand the role played by various legal aid mechanisms to make justice accessible for children. The primary objective of this essay competition is to increase awareness and promote the idea of free legal aid as has been envisaged under Article 39-A of the Constitution of India, 1950. With an aim to encourage the energetic young students of the country to come up with new ideas and suggestions in this endeavour, the broad theme of the competition is reserved as “Access to Justice for Children”. The organizing committee has opted against restricting the scope by providing any sub-themes and the writers are therefore encouraged to write on any
aspect under the said theme.


1. The competition is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in any
discipline in a recognized University/ College/ Institute in India.
2. Only one submission per author shall be entertained.
3. Co-authorship by a maximum of two authors is permitted.

Important Dates

1. Last Date of Submission of Essay: November 15, 2018 (11:59 p.m.)
2. Date of Declaration of the Result: December 24, 2018 (The winners will be informed by email and the result will be notified on the official website of the university.)
Submission Guidelines
1. The essays must be submitted in English only.
2. The essays should be the original work of the authors. Plagiarism beyond 30% will lead to
4. The name(s) or affiliation(s) of the author(s) should not be mentioned anywhere in the essay.
5. The word limit for the essay is 2500 – 3000 words excluding footnotes.
6. The essays should be typed in: Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and Line Spacing 1.5.
7. The footnotes must be typed in: Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and Line Spacing 1.
8. The margins should be 1” or 2.54 cm on all sides.
9. All text should be justified.
10. Every citation must follow the Harvard Bluebook, 20 th Edition.
11. The essays must be sent by e-mail to nlecnlujaa@gmail.com with the subject “1 st NLUJAA National Legal Essay Competition”.
12. The body of the e-mail must specify the name(s) of the author(s).
13. The essay may be attached in ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format.
14. The participants are required to send the following details in a separate word document
attached to the e-mail:
a) Title of the Essay:
b) Name(s) of the Author(s):
c) College/Institute/University of Author(s):
d) Programme Enrolled & Year of Study of Author(s):
e) E-mail address & Contact No. of Author(s):


1st Prize – INR 10,000/-
2nd Prize – INR 7,000/-
3rd Prize – INR 5,000/-

Important Note

1. There is no requirement of registration formalities to be completed in order to participate in the competition. No registration fee is to be paid for the same.
2. Participants are requested to submit a bonafide letter from the relevant authorities of their
College/Department/University for participating in this competition. A scanned copy of the same should be e-mailed along with the essay in the time of submission. (Essays without a bonafide letter will be summarily rejected.)
3. The essays published elsewhere or selected/submitted for publication elsewhere shall be
4. Essays submitted for this competition shall become the sole property of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam. NLUJAA shall have the right to publish the entries in
the form of a journal or a book.
5. A panel of evaluators shall be constituted to select the winning entries. The decision of the
Panel shall be final and binding.
6. The organizers reserve the right to cancel/disqualify any of the entry if found in violation of
the guidelines for Submission.

Contact Persons

For any queries, intending participants may leave us an e-mail at nlecnlujaa@gmail.com or
1. Dr. Diptimoni Boruah, Chairperson, Centre for Clinical Legal Education and Legal Aid Cell
Mobile: 09085656171, Email: diptiboruah@nluassam.ac.in
2. Mr. Himangshu Ranjan Nath, Faculty Co-coordinator, Centre for Child Rights
Mobile: 08822648560, Email: hrnath@nluassam.ac.in

For more details, Click here

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