XIX National Moot Court Competition @ M.P. Law College, Aurangabad (Dec 22-23), Register by Oct 31

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XIX National Moot Court Competition

M.P. Law College


December 22-23



1. Each team shall comprise of 3 (Three) participants only (Mooter 1, Mooter 2 and Researcher) and it must not be less or more than 03 participants.
2. Competition is restricted to bonafide regular students of Law School / College/
University. All participants must be students of either from LL.B. 3 years or 5 years
degree course & one team from one college.
3. The participants will have to bear the travelling and all other incidental expenses.
4. Free lodging will be provided to the team of three participants only on the days of
the competition i.e. 21 st December from 9.00 pm to 23 rd December 2018 up to 9.00 pm
and boarding will be provided on the days of Competition i.e. 22 nd & 23 rd December
2018. The Participants should follow disciplinary rules at the accommodation where
they will be boarded.
5. Each Team shall pay an entry fee of Rs. 1000.00 (One Thousand Rupees only) by way
of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Principal, M.P. Law College, payable at
Aurangabad, Maharashtra State.
6. The dress code shall be as prescribed for Advocates.
7. The home team will be competing in this competition.


(1) Students duly enrolled and pursuing full time 5 year or 3 years undergraduate law course may apply in a team of 3, that includes two mooters and one researcher;
(2) Students enrolled and pursuing post-graduate diploma or short-term certificate courses in law are not eligible to apply.


There shall be cash prizes as follows along with trophies

  1. Winner Team cash prize of Rs. 7000/-from college and Late Adv. Shri. Sudhakarrao Deshmukh Trophy.
  2. Runner Up Team cash prize of Rs. 5000/-from college and Late Adv.Shri. Sudhakarrao Deshmukh Trophy.
  3. Individual Prizes & Trophies:
    • Late Adv.Shri L.N.Sirsamkar- Best Petitioner from final round cash prize of Rs.2000/-and Trophy.
    • Best Respondent from final round cash prize of Rs.2000/-and Trophy from college.
    • Late Adv. Shri. Sudhakarrao Deshmukh Trophy for Best Mooter in both rounds.
    • Ghate Foundation, Aurangabad –Best Mooter Trophy for Preliminary Round.
    • Best Memorial Prize for Final Round
Important Dates

Submission of Registration form along with travel details: 31st Oct, 2018
Submission of memorials: 29th November, 2018
Date of Preliminary Round: 22nd December, 2018
Date of Final Round: 23rd December, 2018


Teacher Coordinators:

Prof. P. R. Girbane: 9923484741
Dr. B. V. Paranjpe: 9890798823
Prof. S. N. Morey: 9325228041
Dr. A. N. Kottapalle: 9923412234
Prof. A. D. Jadhav: 9970449376

Student Convenors:

Mayur Subhedar: 8390301222(Convener, Moot Court Association)
Ranjit Jadhav: 7841827775(Co-convener, Moot Court Association)


For Official Notification, Click here

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