2nd National Symposium on Crime Against Women, IPR, Law & Humanities & Awards [Sep 22-23, Allahabad]: Submit by Aug 10

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2nd National Symposium


Crime Against Women

IPR, Law & Humanities & Awards

[Sep 22-23, Allahabad]

Concept Note

We are a team of three free journals dealing with Crime and Criminology; Intellectual Property Rights; and Law and Humanities. Whereas DROIT PENALE: (ILJCC) is an already established journal and has organised the 1st NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, but through this 2nd NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM we are obliged to introduce INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS  and LAW AND HUMANITIES in the arena.

We organize seminars, symposiums, awards, and free legal aid camps from time to time for the welfare of the society.


Eminent personalities from various spheres of legal profession will be attending the seminar.

The objective of the seminar is to provide a platform to students of various law schools and member of members of the allied disciplines to have a qualified discussion on various sub themes revolving around the themes.

Through this symposium, we aspire to generate interest of the students in Criminal Law, Criminology, Intellectual Properties Right, Law & Humanities, its intricate dynamics. This will also act as a platform for the students to interact with other students of varied disciplines, legal luminaries.

Theme and Sub-Themes


  1. Position of women in Vedic, Post-Vedic, Medieval, British and in Contemporary India.
  2. Causes of Crime Against Women.
  3. Feminism, its kinds and Feminist Awakening.
  4. Harassment at workplace.
  5. Domestic Violence.
  6. Rape and Assault.
    • Custodial Rape
    • Marital Rape
    • Rape Amendment laws
  7. Dowry Death.
  8. Female Foeticide and Infanticide.
  9. Female Genital Mutilation and the laws.
  10. Human Trafficking & Prostitution.
  11. Devdasi System in India- Historical Background and Supreme Court’s stance on it.
  12. Cyber Crimes against women and prevention.
  13. Insult to Modesty.
  14. Prevention of crimes against women in India and challenges.
  15. Termination of pregnancy- Forced Abortion.
  16. Laws relating to Obscenity and indent Representation of Women.
  17. Prevention of crimes against women- International Commitments.
  18. Lacunas investigation and trail procedure of rape survivor and victims of other forms of abuse.
  19. Reflection of Judicial Sensitivity- Role of Judiciary in prevention of crimes against women.
  20. Recommendation on Women’s Access to Justice.

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Role of Institutions, NGO’s in creating Awareness about IPR’s
  2. Pillars of IPR’s:
    • Copyrights: Covering scholarly works, designs & Trademarks, New Technologies.
    • Patents: Processes and products
    • Business and Institutional Trade Marks
    • Geographical indicatoators: Location specific community based innovations products.
    • Plant variety protection: Breeders Rights and PVPFR
    • Designs and their registration
    • Trademarks and technicalities
    • Undisclosed Information Provisions
  3. Resolving ambiguities between registration of Designs and Trade Marks
  4. Infringements of IPR’s: Law Provisions
  5. Different Systems of IPRs Globally on Plant variety Protection

Law & Humanities

This journal welcomes quality research on any theme based on law and humanities including law and aesthetics; law and literature; law and psychoanalysis; critical legal theory; legal history; law and films; and law, or any related theme as the list is not exhaustive


  1. Siddhaswari Prasad Best Paper
  2. Ashok Gulati Best Presentation
  3. Deepak Gulati Special Mention
  4. Someshwari Prasad Special Mention

The winners will be provided with a cash prize of 10,000/- in total with certificates, one year internship in the editorial panel, trophies, Medals.

How to Participate?

Authors may send their abstract at symposium.iljcc@gmail.com


Co-Authorship up to a maximum of four authors is allowed.

Guidelines for Abstract

The abstract should not exceed 350 words, and must be accompanied by a cover page, stating the following:

  • Sub-Theme
  • Title of the Paper
  • Name of the Author(s)
  • Name of the Institute
  • E-mail Address
  • Postal Address
  • Contact number

Submission of Paper

  • The soft copy of the final research paper must be submitted in .doc/.docx format to iljcc@gmail.com with the subject “Research Paper Submission”.
  • A cover letter mentioning the Title of the paper and relevant sub-theme, Name of the Author(s), Course, Year Of Study(if applicable), Name of the college/University (if applicable), Professional Position (if applicable), with Postal Address, Email address and Contact Number. Apart from the cover letter, there should not be anywhere mention of any of the details of the author/s. The file name must contain the name of the author(s) along with the name of the paper.( “Name of the author”_ “Name of the research paper).
  • Registration Form- All the participants are required to send the scanned copy of the registration form
  • Copy of the scanned payment receipt/Draft.
  • The soft copies has to sent at iljcc@gmail.com
  • The hard copies of the cover letter, registration form and the payment receipt to be submitted at the time of on the spot registration 10/02/2018
  • M/s. A.D.S Associates and Arjun Das Gulati Memorial Society in keeping with the mandate of publishing original material, adopts a stringent anti-plagiarism policy. Any paper containing any unattributed work is liable to be rejected.
  • The selected author must carry 4 hard copies of their papers, for submission to the panel member, along with I-Card of the concerned university/ college.

Important Dates

Last date for Abstract Submission August 10th , 2018
Last date for Final Submission, Registration form and registration fee August 30th, 2018
2nd National Symposium & Awards September 22nd & 23rd  , 2018

Registration fees

The registration fee including registration kit, lunch, tea break, etc., excluding the accommodation, is as follows:


  • For Paper Presenters: Rs 1,000/-
  • For Participant: Rs 750/-


  • For Paper Presenters: Rs 1,500/-
  • For Participants: Rs 1,250/-

Absentia Presentations

  • For Paper presentation (student): 1,500/-
  • For Paper Presentation (professionals): 2,000/-

Once the payment has been made, please take a screenshot of the transaction and mail it along with the scanned copy of the registration form to fc.iljcc@gmail.com separate registration needs to be done for co-authors.

Publication Policy

All the submission sent must be original and should not have been published or under consideration for publication in any other journal. Plagiarized entries are liable to be rejected.

There must not be any copyright issues with the paper sent for the publication purposes, and if any such issues are later discovered, the Droit Penale: ILJCC is not responsible in any regard. The editors reserve the right to delete or edit any article or part thereof whose content is found to be offensive, defamatory, out rightly unethical, or if it is suggestive of racism, sexual or religious discrimination, illegal or terror activities etc.

The article is subject to be rejection if its content is likely to offend the religious or political sentiments of the readers. The Droit Penale: ILJCC reserve the right to publish the shortlisted papers. The shortlisted authors have to sign the copyright agreement with the publisher.

Selected submissions on “CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR PREVENTION: – NATIONAL AND INTERNATAIONAL COMMITMENTS” will be published in Droit Penale: Indian law Journal on Crime & Criminology Volume 2 Issue 4 (December 2018)

Selected submission on “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES RIGHT” will be published in Indian Journal of Intellectual Properties Right Volume 1 (December 2018)

Selected Submissions on LAW & HUMANITIES” will be published in Indian Journal of Law & Humanities  Volume 1 (December 2018)


To pursue the objectives of Team Droit Penale, we have decided to award all those individuals, groups or organisations who have dedicated themselves and worked for the benefit of the society and stand out for their efforts. Nominations are not allowed. Candidates who find themselves deserving are encouraged and requested to come out and apply for themselves.

Any work by anyone related to the legal fraternity is eligible for consideration.

Kindly submit the following documents:

  • Statement of Purpose Review (word limit- less than 1000 words).
  • CV/Resume Review.
  • Portfolio Presentation (Relevant Certificates, Recommendation letter from the associated organisation, Work Reports, Media Clippings, Videos and Pictures)
  • Personal Interview.

Applications for the awards can be sent on help.iljcc@gmail.com  with the subject “Application for National Awards 2018”

Deadline for sending applications is 25nd July 2018.



Contact Details

Symposium Director: Ms. Eshita: +91-7295903697; +91-9793200993

Email: Symposium.iljcc@gmail.com



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