CALL FOR PAPER: International Review of Contemporary Legal Issues. Last date of Submission is 27 April 2016.

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WHAT: Call for Papers:

WHERE: International Review of Contemporary Legal Issues

LAST DATE: Last date of Submission is 27 April 2016.

International Review of Contemporary Legal Issues is a bi – annual, online and gold open-access law journal. The aim of the journal is to provide a platform for students, academicians and practitioners for publication of original scholarly papers on contemporary legal issues that have national, regional and international importance. The papers can be in the forms of articles, essays, case notes, legislative/policy/book reviews, responses and film reviews. The special focus of the journal is publication of responses to scholarly papers. The journal encourages comparative and empirical analysis.

This initiative is by Aditya Shukla a graduate alumnus of Jindal Global Law School (India) [Not enrolled as Advocate in any State Bar Council]. He is also Managing Editor of International Review of Human Rights Law [].The legal body formed to run the journal is a firm: Ramkrishna Publishers situated in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 [ Registration number is 326/2015-16].

The journal invites submissions for its inaugural issue. The submission guidelines and review process are mentioned below. Last date of Submission is 27 April 2016.

IRCLI Submission Guidelines:

1] All the submissions must be original and unpublished. The submissions have to be made only via email. Please send the submissions to

2] Use Times New Roman as font theme, Font Size – 12, justified alignment and Line Spacing – 1.5. For footnotes use Times New Roman as font theme and 10 as font size and 1.0 line spacing.

3] The submissions can be in the forms of Articles, Essays, Case Notes, Legislative/Policy/Book Reviews, Responses to scholarly works published in law reviews or books and Film Reviews.

4] Length of Submissions:

Articles – 6000 – 10000 words

Essays – 3000 – 5000 words

Case Notes – 2500 – 3000 words

Legislative/Policy/Book Reviews – 2000 – 3500 words

Responses – 3500 – 4000 words

The word limits are inclusive of footnotes. Submissions must contain an abstract of 150 – 350 words in total. All the submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter containing academic qualifications of the author/authors. Authorship of papers is limited to two authors. Name of the author/authors must not be provided in the submissions. Please use footnotes in citations. The journal accepts Bluebook 19th edition, OSCOLA 4th edition and the citation style formulated by the journal.

5] It shall be the sole responsibility of the author/s to ensure that all references and citations stated in the submissions are correct and submissions must not infringe copyright/any other rights of any third parties. The submissions must not contain any obscene, offensive, defamatory or racially prejudiced materials. The author/authors will indemnify the journal in case of any infringement.

6] Publication Cost:

For Indian Authors:

Single Authored papers by students: 1600 Rupees

Co-authored papers by students: 2000 Rupees

Papers authored by Researchers/Professors: 2500 Rupees

For Authors from Abroad: 50 USD

IRCLI Review Process:

The Editorial Board will promptly acknowledge the receipt of the submissions and a decision as to whether the submissions are being considered for review process will be communicated to the author/s within 15 days from the date of submissions.The Editorial Board will review the submissions carefully on the criterion of scope, content, structure, research, analysis, creativity, accomplishment of the paper’s purpose and inclusion of counter – argument in the submissions. Submissions will be rejected if they are plagiarized. The process of review will be rigorous and the editorial board expects author/s to be available during the process. The mode of payment of publication charges will be informed to author/s only after acceptance of the submissions. All the communications have to be through email only.


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