7 Days Refresher Course for Law Teachers at Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal [July 2-7]:
Register by June 10
About the organisation
Jagran Lakecity University is located in Bhopal and is a fully government approved state university established by Government of Madhya Pradesh by Act No 22 of 2013 and is recognized by UGC under section 2 of Act, 1956.
The Centre for Professional Legal Education and Training is a community of legal educators, researchers, practitioners and administrators who collaborate in defining, understanding and promoting best practice in the teaching of law.
About the course
Prof. (Dr.) Neelakanta Ramakrishna Madhava Menon (4 May 1935 – 8 May 2019) was an eminent jurist and legal educator, considered by many as the father of modern legal education in India.
He was the founder-director of the National Law School of India University (NLSIU) and the National Judicial Academy, Bhopal and the founder Vice-Chancellor of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS).
Prof. Menon was awarded the Padma Shri, India’s fourth highest civilian honour, by the Government of India in 2003.
To commemorate his services towards reforms in legal education, JLU School of Law is organizing One Week Refresher Course for early-career academicians, research scholars, doctoral candidates and practitioners in the memory of Prof. (Dr.) N. R. Madhava Menon from 2nd July 2019 to 7th July 2019.
Concept note
The aim of this Refresher Course is to provide the participants with an opportunity to acquire knowledge about contemporary developments that are taking place in various specialized fields of Law.
The Refresher Course aims to deepen our understanding of modern teaching tools and methodologies that are deployed by scholars in the field of Law.
This One Week Refresher Course is designed to enhance the teaching, learning and research skills of early career researchers and academicians actively engaged in the field of law.
- Registration fees: Rs. 5000 per participant.
- Registration fee includes Registration Kit and Food for the duration of the programme (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner).
- Limited seats are available. Registration will be on a first come first serve basis. Accommodation will be provided free of cost on first come first serve basis. (Subject to availability).
- The decision of the organising committee will be final about the selection of the participants.
Payment Details
Beneficiary Name: Jagran Lakecity University
Account Number: 50100167887838
IFSC: HDFC0002486
Bank & Branch: HDFC Bank Ltd, E8, Trilanga, KK Platinum, Gulmohar, Bhopal.
For Registration Contact:
Course Co-Convenor: Mr. Anugrah Pratap Singh Rajawat,
Email Id: jlusolrefresher@jlu.edu.in
Mobile number: +918962290171
Important Dates
- Opening of Registration: 15th May 2019
- Last date for Submitting Registration Form: 10th June 2019
- Confirmation of Participation will be communicated to the Applicants by 15th June 2019.
Refresher Course Secretariat
Convenor: Dr. Yash Tiwari, Assistant Professor
Contact: yash.tiwari@jlu.edu.in, 9425440732
Co-Convenor: Mr. Himanshu Kashyap, Assistant Professor
Contact: himanshu.kashyap@jlu.edu.in, 9893376561
Co-Convenor: Mr. Anugrah Pratap Singh Rajawat, Assistant Professor
Contact: anugrah.rajawat@jlu.edu.in, 8962290171
Ms. Shamika Acharya, Assistant Professor
Contact: shamika.acharya@jlu.edu.in, 9893026054
Ms. Rashida Hussian, Assistant Professor
Contact: rashida.hussian@jlu.edu.in, 9179478213
Important contacts
The website link is here.
The brochure is here.

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