6th GNLU Moot 2020 [Sep 03-06, Gandhinagar]: Register by July 1, 2020
About the Organiser
Gujarat National Law University is a premier university of law situated in Gandhinagar, Gujarat seeking to promote research-based education among its students by way of providing excellent education, and opportunities in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for holistic growth and development including mooting activities.
About the Moot
The GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law is organised with the novel objective of promoting research and advocacy in the niche sphere of securities and investment law. It allows young minds all over India to apply their legal knowledge to an interesting and relevant set of facts pertaining to securities and investment law. The moot has grown tremendously since its inception, and has garnered support from a large number of colleges in the form of their participation. GNLUMSIL has also successfully collaborated with nationally recognized sponsors namely, Bombay Stock Exchange – Investors’ Protection Fund, National Securities Depository Limited, Finsec Law Advisors, RegStreet Law Advisors, Manupatra, SCC Online, Lex Witness, Wolters Kluwer, Uber, Lawctopus, Khaitan & Co. and Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas.
Eligibility for GNLUMSIL 2020:
- The Competition is open to all students, enrolled bonafide at the time of the competition on a regular basis in an undergraduate LL.B. degree programme or its equivalent conducted by any recognized Institution/College/University in India.
- A recognized Institution/College/University shall be entitled to send only one Team for the Competition.
Students enrolled in postgraduate or diploma programmes are not eligible to participate.
Team size and other information:
- Each Team shall comprise of three members. Two members of the Team shall be designated as Orators and the third member shall be designated as the Researcher.
- Any additional member or Team Coach accompanying a Team shall not be recognized and will not be entitled to a certificate from the OC.
Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Registration procedure and fee details:
- The registration fee is INR 4,000 per Team.
- Teams may pay the Registration Fee by way of an online transfer using the following link: here Teams are instructed to mention the full name of their Institution/College/University in the column provided for Remarks while making the payment. Teams are required to download the receipt of the payment and submit the same through the Google form at the time of sending the Registration Form.
- Teams may also pay the registration fee by way of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Gujarat National Law University” payable at “Ahmedabad”. A scanned copy of the Demand Draft is required to be uploaded on this Google form here.
Release of moot problem | 17 March 2020 |
Last date for provisional registration | 01 June 2020 |
Last date for completion of all registration formalities | 01 July 2020 |
Last date to submit clarifications | 07 July 2020 |
Last date for submission of soft copy of written submissions | 10 August 2020 |
Last date for submission of hard copy of written submissions | 14 August 2020 |
Orientation and Researchers’ Test | 03 September 2020 |
Oral Rounds | 04-06 September 2020 |
Contact Details:
Dr. Girish R., Faculty Convenor at rgirish@gnlu.ac.in, +91-8128650806;
Mr. Hrithik Khurana, Student Convenor at hrithikkhurana11@gmail.com, +91-8556868810;
Ms. Samidha Mathur, Student Convenor at mathursamidha@gmail.com, +91-7433052540;
For any information/clarification regarding registration:
Ms. Pooja Jasani, Student Coordinator at poojajasani1699@gmail.com, +91-8238064122;
For any information/clarification regarding rules:
Ms. Hansaja Pandya, Student Coordinator at 17.hansaja@gmail.com, +91-9727785358;
Mr. Hemandu Aswal, Student Coordinator at shrutihemandu@gmail.com, +91- 94140 11181;
For any information/clarification regarding travel and accommodation:
Mr. Ashwani Kumar Singh, Student Coordinator at ashwanis518@gmail.com, +918172890212.
Important Links:
For full details and documents click, Here

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