5th National Conference on Economics of Competition Law @ Competition Commission of India ,Delhi [March 6, 2020]: Submit by Aug 16

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 5th National Conference on Economics of Competition Law @ 

Competition Commission of India ,Delhi [March 6, 2020]: Submit by Aug 16

About the organisation

Competition Commission of India is a statutory body of the Government of India responsible for enforcing The Competition Act, 2002 throughout India and to prevent activities that have an appreciable adverse effect on competition in India. It was established on 14 October 2003.

About the event

The Competition Commission of India (CCI) will organize the 5th National Conference on Economics of Competition Law on 6th March 2020 in New Delhi.

This conference aims to:

  • Stimulate research and debate on contemporary issues in the field of economics of competition law.
  • Develop a better understanding of competition issues relevant to the Indian context.
  • Draw inferences for implementation of competition law in India.


The conference targets economists including scholars, practitioners and competition agency officials with a keen interest in the economics of competition law and policy. Co-authored papers should necessarily have an economist as one of the co-authors.

Call for papers

  • A 1000-word abstract of the paper including research questions, methodology and expected results along with one-page curriculum vitae and contact details should be submitted initially.
  • Authors of selected abstracts will then be invited to submit full original papers of not more than 5000 words.
  • Abstracts along with CV may be sent to ecoseminar@cci.gov.in.

Note: Depending on the quality of submissions, some papers may be considered for publication by the CCI.


The Conference is expected to cover a wide range of related themes. However, papers in the following themes are encouraged:

  1. Market definition, measuring market power and abuse of dominance
  2. Vertical restraints and competition
  3. Horizontal agreements and cartelization
  4. Economics of platform markets and challenges for antitrust enforcement
  5. Intellectual Property Rights and competition law
  6. Price and non-price effects of mergers
  7. Any other issues related to competition policy and law

Note: Papers based on empirical research that can inform enforcement and policy are encouraged.

Fees details

Conference fee: There is no conference fee.

Financial support: Paper presenters at the Conference shall be provided financial support.

Selection of themes and speakers: The CCI will have complete discretion in deciding the themes of the sessions based on the responses received as well as in selecting the speakers.

Important dates

  • Last date of submission of abstracts: 16th August 2019
  • Review, Selection and intimation to authors: 1st October 2019
  • Last date for submission of full papers: 1st December 2019
  • Review and Finalization of papers: 1st February 2020
  • Conference date: 6th March 2020

Contact info

E-mail: ecoseminar@cci.gov.in

For full details click here

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