5th International Model United Nation Conference 2017 @ School of Law, Christ University, Bangalore.
(Feb. 10th to 12th 2017)
For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:
5th International Model United Nation Conference 2017
Feb., 10th to12th, 2017
School of Law, Christ University, Bangalore
The School of Law Christ University is organizing its 5th edition of International Model United Nation Conference.
A conference where participants role play delegates to the United Nations committee and simulate UN committees. With the tag line of whole new world which is very prevalent in present world scenario the conference aims at conference at giving optimum experience to fresh Muners.
As well as encourage experienced and efficient Muners a great platform to implement their debating and diplomatic skills which involves substantiate researching, leadership skills and critical thinking.
Registration Fee:
This time the school of law Christ University model united nation brings to five committees which are as follows:
The United Nation Disarmament and Security Council
United Nation High commission for refugees
National Security Council
Security Council
League of Nation
School of Law, Christ University.
(M): +99455 00216 & +91 88673 91710
Email: munsoc@law.christuniversity.in
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