3rd National Symposium
@ Iswar Saran College, Allahabad.
Submit by Oct 27.
Iswar Saran Post Graduate College, a premier constituent college of the University of Allahabad was established in 1970 under the aegis of Iswar Saran Ashram with two vibrant units; Gandhi Study Circle and Gandhi Memorial Library as integral part of it. The college imparts higher education in three streams; Arts, Commerce, and Social Sciences with the maximum emphasis on quality didactics and higher moral values to keep pace with the global and national demands.
Faculty of Social Science, Iswar Saran Post Graduate College is organizing two day National Symposium & Awards on 12th and 13th of October 2019.
This symposium will provide an opportunity to bring together the curious and inquisitive students to the luminaries and professionals who are involved in the area of Criminal Law and Social Sciences. The symposium will be an educative event consisting of invited talks and panel discussions to galvanize the targeted aware citizens for the benefit of the criminal law and social aspect prevailing in the country.
- Law as an instrument of social change
- Law and social transformation
- Law and social movement
- Relationship between Law and morality
- Law and Morality – Theoretical issues
- Constitutional morality, religious morality and freedom of religion
- Social morality and Constitutional morality-
- Transgender marriage
- Surrogacy
- Marital Rape
- Abortion Right
- Mob Lynching
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Terrorism
- Naxalite
- Law and Social Inequality
- Morality-Law-Technology
- Law and social policy- Population Control Bill, 2018- Triple Talaq Act
- Arbitration & Conciliation: A new social dimension in resolving legal disputes
- Transforming Media: Academics Institutions, Creative and Cultural Industries
- Crime Against Women Moral Effects Over The Society
- Feminism, its kinds and Feminist Awakening.
- Harassment at workplace.
- Domestic Violence.
- Female Genital Mutilation and the laws.
- Human Trafficking & Prostitution.
- Cyber Crimes against women and prevention.
- Insult to Modesty.
- Prevention of crimes against women in India and challenges.
- Termination of pregnancy- Forced Abortion.
- Laws relating to Obscenity and indent Representation of Women.
- Prevention of crimes against women- International Commitments.
- Lacunas investigation and trail procedure of rape survivor and victims of other forms of abuse.
- Reflection of Judicial Sensitivity- Role of Judiciary in prevention of crimes against women.
- Recommendation on Women’s Access to Justice.
- Indian Criminal Justice System & Social Reforms
- Justice To Victims & Fair Trial
- Rights Of Accused
- Reformation Of Criminal Justice System
- Moral Policing In India
- Dilemmas in criminology and criminal justice.
- Criminal Justice technology in 21stcentury- crime prevention and policing
- Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice
- Contemporary crime discourse and depiction.
- Criminal jurisprudence in India in wake of Supreme Court judgements and technological advancements.
- Jurisprudence aspect of theories of punishment in modern days
- Hostile Witness.
- Law enforcement agencies – Police and Investigating Agencies: A gateway to Access to Justice.
- Access to Justice for Victims & Witnesses.
- Rights of Prison Inmates.
- Role of Judicial Institutions: Courts, Tribunals in Access to Justice.
- Human Trafficking: Control, Prevention and Rehabilitation of Trafficked Survivors.
- Traditional And New Crime With The Effect Over The Society
- White Collar Crimes
- Police Atrocities
- Honour Killing
- Race, Ethnicity, social structure and crime.
- Organised Crimes
- Economic Crimes
- Technology, crime and its changing patterns.
- Cross border and Transnational Crimes: Complexities
Indian as well as foreigner Academician, Corporate, Bureaucrat, policymakers, journalist, representatives of Government Organizations, civil society/NGOs, Lawyers; Research Scholars and Students from various fields, allied subjects and multi-disciplinary fields are invited to contribute to the seminar.
Co-Authorship up to a maximum of four authors is allowed.
How to Apply
Authors may send their abstract at symposium.iljcc@gmail.com
The abstract should not exceed 350 words, and must be accompanied by a cover page, stating the following:
- Sub-Theme
- Title of the Paper
- Name of the Author(s)
- Name of the Institute
- E-mail Address
- Postal Address
- Contact number
- The soft copy of the final research paper must be submitted in .doc/.docx format to iljcc@gmail.com with the subject “Research Paper Submission”.
- A cover letter mentioning the Title of the paper and relevant sub-theme, Name of the Author(s), Course, Year Of Study(if applicable), Name of the college/University (if applicable), Professional Position (if applicable), with Postal Address, Email address and Contact Number. Apart from the cover letter, there should not be anywhere mention of any of the details of the author/s. The file name must contain the name of the author(s) along with the name of the paper.( “Name of the author”_ “Name of the research paper).
- Registration Form- All the participants are required to send the scanned copy of the registration form.
- Copy of the scanned payment receipt/Draft iljcc@gmail.com
- The soft copies have to be sent at iljcc@gmail.com
- The hard copies of the cover letter, registration form and the payment receipt to be submitted at the time of on the spot registration 10/02/2018
- Faculty of Social Science, Iswar Saran Post Graduate College, Prayagraj, Legal Path Foundation and Cyberlekh Publication in keeping with the mandate of publishing original material, adopts a stringent anti-plagiarism policy. Any paper containing any unattributed work is liable to be rejected.
- The selected author must carry 4 hard copies of their papers, for submission to the panel member, along with I-Card of the concerned university/ college.
Formatting Requirements:-
- The main text should be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
- The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10 with spacing 1.0
- One inch margins should be maintained on all four sides.
- Citation style: bluebook, 20th
- The maximum length of the paper shall not exceed 3500 words,(excluding the footnotes/end notes/annexure/reports etc).
- All the abstract submission are to be made in Microsoft Word (.doc) 2007/2010. Full paper has to be submitted in pdf.
Registration fees
The registration fee including registration kit, lunch, tea break, etc., excluding the accommodation, is as follows:
(1) For Paper Presenters – Rs 1,000/-
(2) For Participant – Rs 750/-
(1) For Paper Presenters – Rs 1,500/-
(2) For Participant – Rs 1,250/-
Absentia Presentations
- For Paper presentation (student)- 1,500/-
- For Paper Presentation (professionals)- 2,000/-
Once the payment has been made, please take a screenshot of the transaction and mail it along with the scanned copy of the registration form to fc.iljcc@gmail.com separate registration needs to be done for co-authors.
Presentation Guidelines
- The presentation is restricted to 8 minutes + 2 minutes time format for rebuttal round.
The selected author(s) must also carry 4 hard copies of their paper, for submission to the panel member, along with I-Card of the concerned university/ college.
There shall be the awards for the Best Presentations. The winners will be awarded with Trophies, Certificates.
Publication Policy
All the submission sent must be original and should not have been published or under consideration for publication in any other journal. Plagiarized entries are liable to be rejected.
- Submission of Abstracts by: 27th September 2019
- Last date for final Submission,
Registration form & Registration fee: 5th October 2019
- 3rd National Symposium & Awards: 12th & 13th October 2019
Ishwar Saran Post Graduate College,
Contact Info
(+91)-9129495447; 9792600921; 9793200993
for brochure, click here
for registration, click here