3rd KIIT National Mock Trial Competition, 2017@ KIIT School of Law (17th Jan. to 19th Jan. 2017)

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3rd KIIT National Mock Trial Competition, 2017@ KIIT School of Law

(17th Jan. to 19th Jan. 2017)

Deadline: 12th December 2016

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

School of Law KIIT University organising the 3rd National Mock Trial Competition (KNMTC) 2017 from 17th Jan. to 19th Jan. 2017

Date and Venue

The competition is scheduled to be held at School of Law, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, and Odisha from 17th January 2017 to 19th January 2017.

Dress Code

1. Participants are only allowed to wear Advocates attire or normal black and white formals during the competition.

2. Participants should provide their college ID cards at the Registration Desk. However participants are not allowed to disclose their College identity during the competition


Students pursuing three or five year courses of LL.B degree in current academic year from any recognized law school/ college/ university in India are eligible to participate.


The first phase of registration is online phase

  • The registration fee per team shall be ₹ 3000/- and has to be paid in shape of a Demand Draft in favour of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology payable at Bhubaneswar.
  • Teams from each participating college are required to send a scanned copy of their duly filled-in registration form. The scanned copy of Demand Draft and registration form should be sent via email to knmtc2017@kls.ac.in latest by 12th December 2016.
  • Each college must ensure that the subject of the mail reads “Registration for 3rd KIIT National Mock Trial Competition 2017”.

Forms received after the deadline shall not be considered.

The second phase of registration shall be an offline phase where Teams participating are required to send the hard copy of registration form and the demand draft latest by 18th December 2016.


  • Best Team – Trophy and Cash Prize of ₹50,000
  • Runners Up– Trophy and Cash Prize of ₹30,000
  • 2 nd Runners Up- Trophy and Cash Prize of ₹15,000
  • Best Student Advocate – Trophy and Cash Prize of ₹10,000
  • Best Written Brief Award– Trophy and Cash Prize ₹10,000


Certificates will be awarded only to the participants during the valedictory ceremony and under no circumstance will it be provided to any of the participants absent during the ceremony.


Queries and Clarification

All the queries and clarification (regarding the case study) must be addressed to knmtc2017@kls.ac.in and the subject of the mail should read “QUERY_3rd KNMTC”on or before 31st December 2016. No queries directed to contact persons otherwise than a mail shall be entertained whatsoever the case may be. In case of any other query regarding the competition like submission of written brief etc. shall be made to the Contact Person indicated .

The organisers are commited to providing real time solution for all the queries .


For Brochure, CLICK HERE

For Registration Form, Case Study, Rules, Important Dates, CLICK HERE



LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.

The Contents of this Website are informative only and for the benefit of the general public. Even though every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of information and procedure, the www.lawof.in is not responsible for any inadvertent errors and the same may please be brought to the notice through e-mail: info@lawof.in


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