Who Is The Organiser?
Increasing Diversity by Increasing Access (IDIA), is a non-profit organisation that aims to empower underprivileged and marginalised children by giving them access to quality legal education, in a bid to enhance the diversity in law schools across India. To this end, IDIA sensitises students from across the country to Law as a career option, selects underprivileged and marginalised students with an aptitude for law, trains them, and provides scholarships to the students on gaining admission to law schools. Conceptualised in 2010 as the brainchild of late Prof. (Dr.) Shamnad Basheer, IDIA has since expanded to over 600 volunteers across 20 states, and the IDIA Delhi Chapter specifically has rapidly grown since 2011 and a robust set of approximately 75 to 100 volunteers at National Law University, Delhi prepare scholars for legal entrance examinations each year.
The IDIA Delhi Chapter is organising the 3rd edition of its flagship Article Writing Competition, in collaboration with Saraf and Partners, a leading full-service Indian law firm, and the Centre for Labour Law Research and Advocacy at National Law University, Delhi.
What Are The Details Of The Competition?
- Theme: ‘New Work and New Workers: Rethinking the Labour Law Framework’.
- Registration Form: CLICK HERE to fill the registration form
- Last Date of Registration: 25th March 2023
- Last Date of Submission: 1st April 2023
- Registration Fees: Rs. 499/- per participants
- Eligibility: The competition is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in any discipline in a recognized University/ College/ Institute in India. Only one submission per author shall be entertained and No Co-authorship allowed.
- Awards: The IDIA Delhi Chapter is also pleased to offer exciting prizes to the winners of the competition: The author of the best article shall be awarded an internship opportunity with Saraf and Partners, and the 2nd and 3rd position holders shall get an opportunity to intern with the Centre for Labour Law Research and Advocacy, NLU Delhi. Additionally, the top 5 Participants will be awarded a Certificate of Merit by the IDIA Delhi Chapter.
- Sub Theme:
- Change in Work, Women at Work and Future of Labour Law: Gender Dimensions
- Towards a New Terminology for ‘Political Economy of Labour’ in Indian Context: Inquiry into Intersectional Language in Labour Law.
- Legal Understanding of Trade Unionism: Gaps in Practice of Different Stakeholders
- Debate on Flexible Labour: Justiciable Approach in Labour Law
- Road to Social Justice: Labour Constitutionalism in India
- Covid-19 and Labour: Labour Law approach
Note: The above list of sub-themes is merely suggestive and not exhaustive. Participants are free to select any topic falling under the broad theme. The articles will be judged by Mr. Akshay Jain, Partner at Saraf and Partners.
What Is The Submission Procedure?
- The articles must be sent by email to idiadelhichaptersubmission@gmail.com
- The article must be titled: Subject Name_College Name.
- The essay must be attached only in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format.
- The body of the e-mail must specify the name of the author.
- The participants are required to send the following details in a separate word document
attached to the e-mail:
a. Title of the Article
b. Sub-theme Chosen
c. Name of the author, College/Institute/University of author, programme enrolled, and
year of study of author
d. E-mail address and contact number of the author.
For More Information:
For any query contact at idiadelhichaptersubmission@gmail.com
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