2nd Dr. Gurjeet Singh Memorial National Moot Court Competition by National Law University, Assam [April 20-22]: Register by March 21

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2nd Dr. Gurjeet Singh Memorial National Moot Court Competition by National Law University, Assam [April 20-22]: Register by March 21

About Us 

NLUJAA is a premier institute of legal education set up in the year 2011 by an Act of the State Legislature. Ever since its inception, the University has endeavored towards achieving higher standards of legal education and has focused on inculcating practical argumentative skills amongst students.

With a view to foster research in different avenues of law and to encourage analysis pertaining to the practical implications of law, the University has started to organize various academic events, including a  moot court competition – Dr. Gurjeet Singh Memorial National Moot Court Competition(GSMNMCC).

The moot is named after our beloved Founder- Vice Chancellor, Late Prof (Dr.) Gurjeet Singh who left for his heavenly abode on the 1st of April, 2017, out of indebtedness for his contribution and to symbolically immortalize his legacy in the annals of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.

Preparations are underway for another stellar edition of GSMNMCC, and the Organizing Committee endeavors to achieve higher standards with respect to every aspect of the competition. Keeping in mind our objective of providing a platform to young minds to explore these niche areas of law, we cordially invite your institution to be a part of this experience and participate in the 2nd edition of GSMNMCC!

Details of the Competition

Where: National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, Hajo Road, Amingaon, Guwahati- 781031

When: 20th- 22nd April 2018

Last date of Registration: Soft Copy: 14th March 2018

For Hard Copy: 21st March 2018

Registration fee: Rs. 3500 (including accommodation and food)


  • Winner of the Competition: Rs. 30,000 and Trophy
  • Runner Up: Rs. 20,000 and Trophy
  • Best Memorandum: Rs. 5000 and Trophy
  • Best Student Counsel (Prelims): Rs. 5000 and Trophy
  • Best Researcher: Rs. 5000 and trophy
  • Best Student Adjudicator: Rs. 5000 and Trophy
  • Second Best Student Adjudicator: Rs. 3000 and trophy


For any queries, feel free to contact us at:

National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, Hajo Road, Amingaon, Kamrup (R) Guwahati- 781031, Assam

E-mail: mootcourt@nluassam.ac.in, gsmnmcc@gmail.com

Ms. Gitanjali Ghosh, Faculty Convener, Email: gitanjalig90@nluassam.ac.in

Mr. Krishna Kant Jain, Convener, Ph: +91-9479467355, +91-8319966843
Email: kkjain2015@nluassam.ac.in

Mr. Utkarsh Roy (Registration), Ph: +91-9706302063
Email: utkarshr@nluassam.ac.in

Ms. Nuzhat Nasreen Islam (Registration), Ph: +91-7002585592, +91-7399328455
Email: nuzhat@nluassam.ac.in

Ms. Gargi Dhang (Public Relations), Ph: +91-8981395685, +91-8638828850
Email: gargi1996@nluassam.ac.in

Mr. Saharsh Dubey, Ph: +91-7800293758, +91-7007996217
Email: saharsh11@nluassam.ac.in


Moot Problem: Click Here

Rules and Regulations: Click Here

Official Schedule: Click Here

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