2 Days International Seminar on ‘Woman & Child Rights: Issues and Challenges’ By Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur and Law Mantra Trust [14th-15th April 2023]: Submit Abstract By 28th March 2023

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Who Is The Organiser?

Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur (M.P.) was established in the year 2018, by Madhya Pradesh Dharmashastra National Law University Act 24 of 2018, with the object of advancing the cause of legal education and achieving excellence as a University for imparting value-based legal education to undergraduate as well as postgraduate students and Law Mantra is a registered society under the Indian Trust Act, 1882. It is a body of Jurists, Advocates, Academicians and Students running for the purpose of enhancing legal academics and legal awareness in the society and in the practice of the same.

What Are The Details Of The Event?

  • Objective: International Seminar on Woman & Child Rights: Issues and Challenges will critically re-examine the current theory, law, policy and practice of women and child rights and the potential for more women and child-sensitive globalization and to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss problems, disseminate learning, and share international lessons – learned, existing policy research, and studies on various social protection schemes which, in particular, impact women and children.
  • Date:14th-15th April 2023
  • Mode: Offline
  • Theme: Woman & Child Rights: Issues and Challenges
  • Registration Fee: For Student: Rs.700/-, For Faculty/Professional/Research Scholar/Other: Rs. 1500/-. Both Author and Co-Author have to register individually.
  • Eligibility: Students, Research Scholars/Faculties/Academicians, Corporate Delegates, Business entities, Lawyers.
  • Publication Opportunity: Selected will be published in books bearing ISBN, International Journal of Legal Research and Governance (Print Journal) bearing ISSN and Law Mantra Journal. (If Paper will be Selected for Publication in Book bearing ISBN, Contributors have to Contact Publisher and will have to pay a charge if anyone wishes to procure Hard Copy of Book as per bill raised by Publisher).

What Are The Sub Themes & Procedure for Submission of Abstracts: ?

Sub Themes:

  1. Resolving Child Protection Laws in India;
  2. Child Protection Laws and the Role of NHRC and Other Agencies;
  3. Specific Issues with regard to the Protection of Children in India;
  4. Protection of Children: International Laws Framework;
  5. Sexual Harassment at Work Place;
  6. Women Empowerment and Domestic Violence;
  7. Cyber Space and Women;
  8. Reproductive Technologies and Rights of Women;
  9. Eve-Teasing, Molestation, Sexual Abuse and Rape

Note: Above mentioned topics are not exhaustive but other topics can be also accommodated if it’s in line with Woman & Child Rights: Issues and Challenges.

Procedure for Submission of Abstracts:

  1. The abstract (of about 250 words) should be sent as an attachment in a word file. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed before they are accepted.
  2. The following information, in the given format, should be sent along with the Abstract: Name of the Participant, Official Designation/Institution Details, Address and Email id, Title of Abstract
  3. Submit your abstract to seminarnlus@gmail.com
  4. For Guidelines for Paper Submission & Rules for the Presentation: CLICK HERE

For More Information:

For any query contact on seminarnlus@gmail.com or +91-9310053923

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