2 Days ‘Competency & Skill Building’ Workshop from 13th- 4th July 2018
(Empanelled with Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India)
POSH at Work is an organization that believes that sexual harassment at workplace does not only cause mental and/or physical damage to the person harassed but also seriously curtails opportunities at work by creating a discriminatory work environment. We believe that, in order to ensure equal participation and equal opportunity at work, it is extremely important to do away with discriminatory behaviour and re-instil the faith of employees/workers in the organization. We believe that this can be done only with effective and efficient compliance with the law against sexual harassment i.e. the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and other related laws.
About Workshop
After several successful workshops in Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore in 2017, POSH at Work is proud to bring to you another one in Mumbai – this time a 2 Days fully interactive workshop on: 13th and 14th July, 2018 (Friday & Saturday) from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. You can scroll down to read more details about the Workshop.
POSH at Work (Empanelled with Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India) is conducting Two Days Competency & Skill Building Workshop for IC Members on 13th – 14th July 2018 at Mayfair Banquets, Worli, Mumbai.
Participants can attend on one day or both days.
On: Day 1 (Friday) – 13th July
- Introduction to the Law
- Sexual Harassment: Types & Criteria and its impact on involved parties
- Workplace harassment vs. sexual harassment
- Sexual harassment vs. romantic relationships
- IC: Composition, term of office, Role & Responsibilities and Removal
- Who can complain and against whom IC can receive complaints?
- Understanding the redressal mechanism and IC’s role
- Principles of natural justice: what does it mean in the real world?
- Powers of a civil court: how far applicable?
- Process of Conciliation & Inquiry and dealing with malicious complaints
- Confidentiality and penalties for its breach
- Discussion on preparation of an inquiry report along with recommendations
- Statutory reporting requirements & provisions related to filing an appeal
Understanding all the above concepts & various scenarios using real life examples, activities and case laws and their application to the 1st Mock Complaint that’ll be shared during workshop.
On: Day 2 (Saturday) – 14th July
- Types of complaints IC can receive
- Handling difficult situations faced by IC (such as maintenance of confidentiality in a situation where emails / letters have been marked to several persons in senior / middle management, Complainant seeking multiple interim measures, party or parties seeking change in composition of IC members, etc.)
- Sensitive interviewing skills (such as minimizing the influence of personal biases on the way inquiry is being conducted, focusing on ‘How’ to ask questions etc.)
- Drafting of inquiry report and recommendation and addressing challenges (such as how to make the report when there are multiple documents submitted as evidence and when there are several witnesses who have been interviewed, how are annexures prepared, how are details summarized in a report etc.)
- Understanding provisions related to Sexual Harassment, Stalking, Voyeurism, Acid Attacks Etc. along with section 509 of the Indian Penal Code and dealing with Police and managing situations (such as when a complaint is filed with Police but complaint is not registered etc.)
- Panel Discussion (details provided below)
Understanding all the above concepts & various scenarios using real life examples, activities and case laws and their application to the 2nd Mock Complaint that’ll be shared during workshop.
For more details, fee & video feedback you can also click on CLICK HERE