1st NLUJAA National Law Quiz Competition 2018 at Nov 10, Guwahati, Register before Nov 1

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1st NLUJAA National Law Quiz Competition 2018


Nov 10, Guwahati,


 About National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam

National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam (NLUJAA) was established by the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 (Act No. XXV of 2009) as the fourteenth National Law University of the Country and is located in Guwahati, the capital city of Assam. The Hon’ble Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court is the Chancellor of the University. NLUJAA promotes and makes available modern legal education and research facilities to its students, scholars and faculty drawn from across the country, including the North-East, hailing from different socio-economic, ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. The objectives of NLUJAA as mentioned in the Act are to impart comprehensive legal education and training at all levels to achieve excellence in legal education to promote research in all branches of law; to disseminate legal knowledge by organizing lectures, seminars, symposia, workshops and conferences on contemporary issues of law to promote legal awareness in the communities to achieve social and economic justice and to promote cultural, legal and ethical values with a view to promote and foster the rule of law and the objectives enshrined in the Constitution of India.

About Centre for Clinical Legal Education and Legal Aid Cell

As a part of University Social Responsibility Scheme and to fulfil the Bar Council of India mandate of having a legal aid cell, the Centre for Clinical Legal Education and Legal Aid Cell (CCLELAC) of the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam was established in September, 2013 with an objective to promote legal awareness in the society and to help people of this region in achieving social, economic and political justice. Since then the Centre has been organizing various activities to create legal awareness and to helpneedy and indigent people in getting access to justice. The Centre, in furtherance of its objective, has organized several legal awareness camps at different places in the State including the Guwahati Central Jail located at Lokhora in the year 2016.

About the Quiz Competition

As a part of its research and awareness activities, the Centre for Clinical Legal Education and
Legal Aid Cell (CCLELAC), takes immense pleasure to present to you the 1 st NLUJAA National Law Quiz Competition, 2018 which will take place in the month of November at the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam campus, Amingaon, Hajo Road, Guwahati-31. It will give the law students an excellent platform  for grooming themselves as all-roundprofessionals,  and enhance academic knowledge regarding law and foster interaction among students. The Centre emphasize special efforts and vision need to put in to improve their communication and presentation skills and extracurricular activities for overall development of their personality. It also allows students to apply legal theories and knowledge in a practical conflicting situation. It is hope that event will help to assess the students’ performance and to promote self-learning process.


1. It is open only for under graduate,post graduate law students and research scholar
2. Each institution is allowed to send only one team. Each team should consist of two
students only.
3. There is no registration fee.
4. No TA and DA will be paid
5. Participants must bear their identity cards


1 st Prize: Rs. 15,000/- Cash + Trophy + Certificate
2 nd Prize: Rs. 10,000/- Cash + Trophy + Certificate
3 rd Prize: Rs. 5,000/- + Cash +Trophy + Certificate
Consolation: All other participants will get Certificate of Participation

Important Dates

Date of Registration: By 1st November, 2018

Date of the Event: 10th November, 2018


For any queries contact

  • Dr. Diptimoni Boruah, Chairperson, CCLE-LAC; Phone no: 9085656171
  • Mr. Thangazakhup Tombing, Member, CCLE-LAC; Phone no: 9957910148
  • Mr. Himangshu Ranjan Nath, Member, CCLE-LAC; Phone no: 8822648560

For Brochure and Registration form, Click here

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