1st Edition of Model Youth United Nations @ Seedling School of Law and Governance on 26-27 August 2016
YUN is an educational cum role modelling simulation of United Nations functioning that
aims to educate students on practical grounds about the current events, topics of international importance and the United Nations agenda. The participants act as the
Delegates of different countries participating in a session of a UN organ/committee, such
as United Nations Security Council or Human Rights Council. In YUN participants are
allotted a country to be represented and required to do research work on the country
allotted to them in totality, take on their responsibilities, investigate the international
issues, debate upon them, consult with other ‘delegates’ and attempt to bring forth
solutions to the world problems. In this process the participants and the executives along
with the chief guests and the heads of the YUN event receive awards for their hard work.
In the present event of YUN, the session of UN General Assembly, UN Security Council and
UN Human Rights Council are decided to be convened. Agenda concerned to these bodies
are enumerated under the head “Agenda” of the brochure.
Invitees to this event are undergraduate students of Law, Political Science, History and
Economics from all over India and expected to participate and deliberate on sensitive
global issues requiring cerebral exercise.
The First Edition of Model Youth United Nations will have certain principles by which the
democracy should be reflected in its true sense. They will adhere to the fair and free manner
of reflecting the real meaning of democracy:
1. By providing the chance to speak about a topic freely: for and against it,
2. By providing agenda selection as per the need of time,
3. By not interrupting anyone while speaking and letting them express their opinion
freely without any coercion.
4. By letting the executive to be good listeners and interrupt only when needed or
required to make agendas to go up like and for attendance as well as summarizing
the session wise or the complete manner,
5. By letting the majority be made to give chance to minorities to express their opinion
in totality with any injustice.
1. UN General Assembly
(1). International Situation:
(a) Report of the UN Secretary-General for the period 2015-2016
(b) An overview of situations likely to endanger international peace and security.
(2). Draft Convention on International Terrorism
(3). Eradication of poverty and other development issues:
(a) Implementation of the Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2008-2017);
(b) Women in development;
(c) Human resources development.
(4). Sustainable development:
(a) Implementation of Agenda 21, and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development;
(b) International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
(c) Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind.
UN Human Rights Council
(1). The continuing grave deterioration in the human rights and humanitarian situation in the Syrian Arab Republic;
(2). Use of remotely piloted aircraft or armed drones in counter-terrorism and military operations;
(3). The right of persons with disabilities and equality of opportunity;
(4). Possibility of international regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies n armed conflict.
UN Security Council
(1). Consideration of situations likely to endanger international peace and security: Focus; Syria, Refugees, Humanitarian Assistance;
(2). Situation in Libya, Yemen and ;
(3). Threats posed by Da’esh, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, ISIS and other terrorist groups;
(4). The role of women in conflict prevention and resolution.
Richa Goyal
Student Convenor, Event and Cultural Committee
Seedling School of Law and Governance
Jaipur National University
Contact No.- +91-8504937720
Email: ecc.sslg@gmail.com
For Full Information, click HERE
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