1st Amity National Hindi Moot Court Competition 2016 @ Amity Law School Centre – II , Noida

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1st Amity National Hindi Moot Court Competition  2016 @ Amity Law School Centre – II , Noida

For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:

Amity Law School Centre – II , Noida’s 1st Amity National Hindi Moot Court Competition  2016 [October  4-6th , Noida] : Registrations Open  

After the grand success of the 4th Amity International Moot Court Competition 2016 Based on Sports Law  Amity Law School, Centre- II takes pleasure in organizing its very own 1st Amity National Hindi Moot Court Competition 2016.

About the Event  

Amity Law School- Centre II, Amity University, Noida is Organizing  प्रथम एमिटी राष्ट्रीय हिन्दी मूट कोर्ट प्रतियोगिता 2016 to be held from October 4-6, 2016. This event is formed with the objective to promote & pioneer the Hindi language, which aims to envisage and hold the traditions and philosophy of law through basic grass root level in a practical manner.


Participants are therefore urged to register themselves by Friday 23rd September 2016.


Student pursuing 3 years or 5 years of LL.B. Degree from any recognized Law School/College/University in India/Abroad are eligible to participate.

Any recognized Law School/College/University in India/Abroad shall be entitled to send only one team to the competition.

Each team shall consist of a minimum of two and maximum of three members. Team comprises of two speakers and one researcher.


Each team can register provisionally by filling the online registration form by this link CLICK HERE. 

Registration is strictly on first come first served basis.

To complete the process of registration, all participating teams are required to submit the complete registration form, duly signed and stamped by the Head of Institution/Principal/Head of Department along with the Demand Draft (DD) of Rs. 2000/- in favor of Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, payable at Noida.

The aforementioned documents must be sent (by post or courier) to Amity Law School, Center II, Amity University, Sector-125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201303.

 Important Dates

  1. Last Date of Registration for the competition: September 23rd, 2016.
  2. Submission of Memorial (Both Soft Copy and Hard Copy): September 26th, 2016.
  3. Dates of Competition: October 4th, 5th & 6th 2016.

Contact Details –

  1. Faculty In-Charge : Mr.Tushar Ved Saxena – +91-9717000519
  2. Yash Pratap Singh (Students Bar Forum) – +91-9654248404
  3. Shubham Sinha (Students Bar Forum) – +91- 9818956649
  4. Ria Dey ( Students Bar Forum) – +91- 9674092596
  5. Piyush Karan Singh ( Students Bar Forum) – +91- 8130121630


You can access the Moot Proposition, CLICK HERE.

Download the Rules and Regulations CLICK HERE.

Download the Travel Plan CLICK HERE.

Download the Registration Form CLICK HERE.

For Online Registration CLICK HERE. 


Pronoy Chatterjee, Vice – President, Students Bar Forum,

ALS – II. +91-9654018638.



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