DES Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College, Fergusson Campus, Pune was established in the year 2004, under the illustrious banner of Deccan Education Society. DES’s Shri. Navalmal Firodia Law College has entered its 17th year, keeping pace with the social change and answering responsibly, all the demands of any complex and intricate global legal setup.
About the Debate Competition
The MIMANSA Debate Forum of Deccan Education Society’s Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College, Pune is organizing the 13th Edition of its National Level Inter-Collegiate Debate Competition “Late Gopal Ganesh Agarkar Smruti Karandak”, in the fond memory of Late Gopal Ganesh Agarkar.
This debate competition is in three languages i.e.; English, Marathi & Hindi.
Considering the COVID – 19 Pandemic, this year also the college has taken the efforts to organize the competition in an online manner i.e.; on Microsoft Teams Application.
- Students of undergraduate or post graduate (regular or external) affiliated to any university including open university can participate in the competition.
- The age of the participant should not exceed 25 years.
General Instructions
- The college intends to hold the competition through online mode i.e., on Microsoft Teams Application.
- The college with different fields/departments can send maximum 3 teams i.e., for English, Marathi & Hindi. One team for 2 or 3 languages is not allowed.
- Participants must confirm the registration before 28th August 2021.
- Each participant will be given an ID through which he/she can connect to the Microsoft Teams application for the competition. During competition participants should not disclose their identity, he/she will be addressed by a specific code no. given at the time of registration.
- Registration will be taken through Google Forms.
- Provisional link for the confirmation of registration will be provided first and after that payment link will be provided.
- In the google form, the participants have to mention the transaction ID number of their payment.
Registration Fee
- Amount: Rs. 800/- (Including GST) per team.
- Fees will be collected through online mode of payment.
- The registration fee is non-refundable.
- Registration form link will be available on college website as well (
- The entrants will have to make the payment only after confirmation with coordinators.
- Thereafter the student participants will have to attach the scanned copy of the college ID cards (previous years IDs are
allowed) issued by the respective college along with the confirmation letter from the college, in the registration form.
- Winners: Cash worth Rs. 7,000/- and an e-certificate
- Runners-up: Cash worth Rs. 5,000/- and an e-certificate
- Best Speaker (1 per language): Cash worth Rs. 2,000/- and an e-certificate
- Special Appreciation Prize (1 per language): Cash worth Rs. 500/- and an e-certificate
Contact Information
Faculty Coordinator
Asst. Prof. Kaveri Deo: 868442290
Student Coordinators
- Atharva Golwalkar: 8484912627
- Raunak Nenwani: 7448034342
- Urja Mishra: 8830940131
Click here for the rule sheet of the competition.
Click here to register for the debate competition.