Winter School to Foster Research on Disability @ NALSAR, Hyderabad [Dec 16-21]:
Register by June 7
About the NALSAR University and winter school
The Centre for Disability Studies at NALSAR University of Law along with the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus is organizing a Winter School to foster research on disability from 16th to 21st December 2019.
Research and writing are integral to promote understanding of a field. Disability Rights have generated this interest in the recently emergent field of disability studies.
That disability is a category of vulnerability and precarity is no longer in doubt, however, questions related to the conceptual constitution of this category remain under-researched.
Scholarship on disability, over the last few decades, has informed disability law and public policy consistently. How can disability law and disability culture in practice inform research on disability?
The week-long Winter School will engage with questions of disability with a special focus on voice, representation and participation of disabled people in law-making and cultural processes.
The week-long programme will consist of a pre-lunch and post-lunch sessions.
The pre-lunch sessions will include talks by experts and discussions around assigned readings. During the post-lunch sessions, proposals received will be peer-reviewed in the form of group discussions.
Fostering Research in Disability:
Winter School
NALSAR University of Law, Justice City, Shameerpet, Medchal District, Hyderabad – 500078, Telangana, India.
Voice, Representation and Participation in Law and Culture
The School will apprise participants of significant developments in the field of disability studies as also point to issues, topics and areas within the field which merits research.
Topics of instruction and discussion include:
- Disability exclusions and inclusions: legally embedded and culturally enabled.
- Personhood related to disability – legal concepts and cultural notions.
- Discourses of human rights and social justice.
- ‘Disability culture’ and disability in culture.
- Configuration of ‘voice’ and ‘representation’ within disability studies scholarship.
The School will also provide an opportunity to participants with draft research proposals to present and obtain feedback on the feasibility of their plans.
Applicants seeking a review of their research ideas will be required to send us a one-page write-up containing a description of the research idea and a tentative research plan, closer to the commencement of the Winter School.
The research proposal may be a draft of:
- An MA, MPhil or PhD research programme.
- A funding proposal idea.
- A journal article/publication idea.
- A book proposal.
All persons interested in attending the school may write to by 7th June 2019expressing their interest in the programme and why they wish to attend it.
Keeping in view the intensity of the exercise only 30 candidates will be admitted into the school. Preference will be accorded to persons with disabilities.
The final list of selected candidates shall be announced by 30th June 2019. Travel expenses will have to be borne by the participants.
Programme Fees
Rs. 1500 including food
Both hostel and guest house facilities available on payment at NALSAR.
A few fellowships and fee waivers are available. Candidates in need of the same may write to us at
For full details,click here

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