National Essay Writing Competition 2016 @ GNLU Centre for Environment and Sustainable
Deadline: Last Date for Submission of Essay – 25th December, 2016
For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:
The Centre for Environmental and Sustainable Development established by Gujarat National
Law University is taking the initiative to offer study, research and expert consultation in the
environmental matters. The Centre for Environmental Environment and Sustainable Development aims to provide a platform for study, research, capacity building and consultation to all the stake holders including the grass root people, industries and administrative authorities.
1. Electronic Vehicle Ecosystem in India
2. Energy Efficiency of Urban Public Transport System vis-à-vis Urban Warming
3. Enterprise Resource Planning for Energy Distribution Companies vis-à-vis Consumer Grievances and Redressal Mechanisms
4. Pilferage of Electricity: Control Mechanism
5. Power Trading: Promoting Access to Renewable Energy
6. Rural Electrification by 2020
7. Sustainable Energy Integration in Smart Cities
8. Rise of Energy Procurement through Power Purchase Agreements: Contractual Issues and Dispute Settlement
9. Ensuring energy security in India within 5 years: How far feasible?
The Competition is open for Students pursuing Law/M.B.A/Engineering and Research Scholars.
- Format – Submissions to be made in .doc formats only.
- Word Limit – The essay should be in English, not exceeding 10,000 words (excluding footnotes)
The essay should be accompanied with an abstract not exceeding 500 words. - Citation Style – All submissions must follow the Oscola system of citation.
- Font – The Submissions are to be made in Garamond, Font Size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5, Footnote size: 10
- Submission Rules – Co-authorship is allowed but it should not be exceeding two participants.
- Participants should not send more than one Entry.
- All submissions must be original. Previously published material will not be accepted. Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
- Cover Page – The cover page should include Name, Address, e-mail id, Contact number and name of The College/University along with address and Category (Student or Research Scholar) of the Participant. In case of co-authorship, the covering letter should include details of both the authors.
- Every article will be peer reviewed.
- Every participant will be allotted a code on registration. The participant will send in their articles in which the file must be named by the code they have been allotted.
- The essay should not contain names or any other marks which reveal the identity of the author.
- The decision of the Judges shall be final.
Essays should be submitted in Electronic Format Only.
Email Id:
Last Date for Submission of Essay – 25th December, 2016
Participants are required to fill in the registration form and submit it on or before 10th December, 2016.
On Registration, participants will be allotted their file code.
- 1st Prize – Cash Prize of Rs. 7500 and Certificate of Participation
- 2nd Prize – Cash Prize of Rs. 5000 and Certificate of Participation
- 3rd Prize – Cash Prize of Rs. 2500 and Certificate of Participation
Certificate of Participation for all the Participants.
Selected Essay would be published.
ARCHITA PRAJAPATI, Research Associate, GNLU-GUVNL Research Fellowship on
Energy Law and Policy
Contact Details: 08128650838
Email Address:
For Brochure, CLICK HERE
For Registration Form, CLICK HERE
For Declaration Form, CLICK HERE
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