Delhi Law Review, Vol. 35 @ Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. Deadline: 30th Nov., 2016
For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:
Delhi Law Review is a peer reviewed and refereed journal published by the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi since the year 1978.
DLR provides an intellectual platform to legal fraternity to express their opinions in the form of articles, case comments, book reviews, etc.
It’s our pleasure to invite papers/ articles/ comments for the forthcoming volume i.e. Vol. 35 of the year 2016. This year, the Board has decided to publish two editions. One would be the regular version of DLR and another one would be a Student Edition.
You are requested to mail your contributions latest by 30th November, 2016.
All the contributions should be in MS Word, typed in 12 Times new Roman with double spacing and the footnoting should follow the ILI pattern available on their website.
Those who have already sent their articles/papers etc are requested to resend the revised and updated version.
Henceforth all communications regarding DLR 2016 may please be addressed to the following ID
Looking forward to well researched articles on contemporary legal topics.
LawOF does not claim any responsibility for the above mentioned Event/Program. We thus request you to verify its credentials on your sole responsibility, before applying for it.
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