1st National Moot Court Championship @ REVA University, Bengaluru [Oct 11-12]: Register by Sep 15.

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1st National Moot Court Championship

@ REVA University, Bengaluru [Oct 11-12]

: Register by Sep 15.

About REVA University

REVA University has been established under the REVA University Act, 2012. The University is located in Bengaluru on a sprawling green campus, spread over 45 acres of land, built with state of the art infrastructure creating an environment conducive to higher learning and research.

The School of Legal Studies, REVA University offers graduate and postgraduate programs with an objective of preparing law professionals with a sound understanding of the foundations of legal knowledge.

About the Moot

The Two-day National Moot Court Championship aims at inspiring, promoting and inculcating in law students drafting and writing techniques, engage in legal oratory, high focus research acumen and also deal with the judicial trend in various fields of litigation in India and Abroad.

The 1st Championship this year will be theme based on “Constitutional Law” on 11-12 October 2019.


Students enrolled in full time 3 years or 5 years law programmes and LLM Programme are eligible to compete in the championship. Each college/Institution/University shall send only one team.

Provisional Registration

The teams interested to participate are required to confirm their participation by sending an email to revanationalmoot1@reva.edu.in on or before 15th September 2019. The subject of the mail must be “Provisional Registration: ”.


The provisionally registered teams shall send duly completed registration form (with payment details filled), accommodation requirements and transaction receipt on soft/scanned copy of online payment particulars (upon getting confirmation of shortlisting from the Organising Committee of REVA University School of Legal Studies) by 20th September, 2019 to revanationalmoot1@reva.edu.in and a hard copy along with registration payment details so as to reach on or before 25th September , 2019, to Prof. Jyothis Mary, School of Legal Studies, REVA University, Katigenahali, Bengaluru: 560064.

The envelope containing the documents must be superscribed as “Registration for REVA National Moot”

Team Composition

  1. Each team shall include two (2) speakers, who shall be accompanied by one (1) researcher all of whom shall be designated accordingly.
  2. Once provisional registration is completed the team composition must remain the same throughout the competition.
  3. No observer is allowed to accompany any team.

Submission of Memorials

The registered teams must send the soft copy of the memorials to revanationalmoot1@reva.edu.in by 3rd October, 2019 (11:59 pm), which must be a .doc file extension with the subject of the email as memorials for “Memorial Submission- ”. Eg: If your team code is T10, the email subject would be: Memorial Submission T10.

Registration Fee

A nominal registration fee shall be charged from the Universities/Colleges/Institutions. The registration fees shall be Rs. 3000/- for participating teams.

This includes Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks and Dinner. An optional amount of Rs. 500/- (including food) per person shall be charged for accommodation for (11th September). The registration fee charged must be submitted by a Bank Transfer/any form of Electronic Transfer of any National Bank (Primary Payment option) on or before 15th September 2019.

Important Dates

  1. Commencement of Registration: 1st September 2019
  2. Last date for online registration: 15th September 2019
  3. Last date for receiving soft copies of Registration Form and payment details 20th September and hard copies of the same 25th September
  4. Last date for seeking clarifications: 21st September 2019
  5. Release of clarifications: 24th September 2019
  6. Last date for submission of memorials (soft copies & one hard copy): 3rd October 2019 (11:59 pm)
  7. Inauguration, orientation, submission of memorials (three hard copies) & preliminary rounds and Quarter-Finals: 11th October 2019
  8. Semi-Finals and Final, valediction and prize distribution: 12 October 2019.


  • Winners/Best Team – Trophy and Cash Prize of Rs. 20,000/-
  • Runner-Up/Second Best Team – Trophy and Cash Prize of Rs. 10,000/-
  • Best Researcher (based on memorial)of the Competition – Trophy and Cash Prize of Rs. 5,000/-
  • Best Advocate – Trophy; Best Lady Advocate – Trophy


Any clarifications sought on the moot proposition needs to be addressed via email to revanationalmoot1@reva.edu.in before 21st September 2019.

The queries will be clarified by/on 24th September 2019.

Contact Details

Email: revanationalmoot1@reva.edu.in

Official Links

For full details, click here.

For the brochure, click here.

For the rules and regulations, click here.

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